Saturday, November 21, 2009

Where I was over break

This past week was our fall break.
I started off in Zichron Yaakov with Galya (Mechina) and her mom. There is an excellent Conservative shul there (Kehillat V'ahavta) that their family friends started.
Then I went with Jeff Blumenthal (Akiba) to Jerusalem and that night slept at Gal Chaitchik's in Herzeliyah.
Then I went to Inbal's (Mechina) in Gedera
Then I went to Asaf's (Mechina) in Rishon Letziyon
Then I went to Sara Goldberger's (WOFI) and learned with her for a day (!) at Migdal Oz in Gush Etziyon
Then I came to Jerusalem, where I spent a day with Sara Dritz (camp), Shabbat with the Kochins (where I also saw Mindy Shimmel, Cheryl Birkner, and Sarah Kass), and tonight I'm with Galya and her mom again at their family friends.

So basically, I saw people from the Mechina, camp, Write On, Akiba, and Chicagoans/Hyde Parkers. It was excellent!

CHECK THIS MAP (hm, looks like it's not showing the points. Go to and make the trip Zichron Yaakov--Jerusalem--Herzeliyah--Gedera--Rishon Letziyon--Gush Etziyon--Jerusalem):

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